Welcome to Golf-Club Westerwald e.V.

Please contact the club’s office for any further assistance. There are a number of options as near as 500 yards, 8 miles (12km) and up to 13miles (20km) away.

19th HOLE: “the Dining Range”, bar & restaurant
We pride ourselves on a very friendly and lively clubhouse atmosphere.

Guests can enjoy the open air terrace facing west and hear the background sound of the fountain of the 18th hole and watch the closing hole’s play from tee to green. By cooler weather, dine and drink in the purpose built in-door restaurant (2014) or the “old bar and restaurant” (1988) with its beamed ceiling and fireplace.

Excellent German and European Red and White Wines, locally brewed beers and locally distilled spirits and famous international drinks. Plus a choice of alcohol free and soft drinks.

Classical regional cuisine and a selected international menu await your taste buds in the Dining Range.

Dating back to 1978 a group of golf enthusiasts sowed the seeds of an idea to build a golf course in the idyllic countryside between the village of Linden and the Westerwald Lake on the edge of Dreifelden. The woodland and undulating landscape provided the beautiful habitat to design a really wonderful golf course.

Since 1982 golfers enjoy this breathtaking scenery with even more views from 1993 by extending the course to 18 holes. The vantage points from the fairways and tees of the 15th, 16th and 17th holes are equally as impressive as the views from the 3rd and 8th Tees.

If you want to play a golf course where both “OUT” and “IN” offer really different challenges, then the GC Westerwald is highly recommendable.

The closing hole offers so much: a par 4 with out of bounds on the left, water on the right and a burn snaking through the middle. Once over the bridge, water protects the green on the left running round the back. In case your ball strays right there’s a bunker next to the green.

Under the following link, you can see some of the aerial shots, taking in the lake, the woodland and those gentle rolling fairways.

Competitions and Teams:
The sporting heartbeat of the club is without doubt the very popular midweek golf, from Tuesday to Thursday from April till October. Everyone with an up-to-date HCP is TRULY WELCOME and will fit in easily. Scoring is according to the Stableford system.

Ladies’ Day: Tuesday at 13:30h
Men’s Day: Wednesday at 13:30h
Seniors’ Day: Thursday at 12:00h.

Competitions are played usually in 3 HCP classes with prizes for each HCP category. Plus birdie pool and “nearest” prizes.

3. Abnormal Course Conditions with No Play Zones on holes 14 and 15

Flower beds on holes 14 and 15 are No Play Zones under abnormal course conditions and are recognized by blue posts with green tops. Play is strictly prohibited in these areas. Play the ball under relief without penalty according to Rule 16.1

4. Hole 5 – access to hole 6.

When playing with buggies or trolleys access is not allowed through the green or around the green. Take the path through the trees near to the sign “next tee”. Infringement of this ruling 4.1 will result in:
  • Matchplay: hole lost
  • Strokeplay and Stableford: 2 penalty strokes

5. Rule 5.2
Practice on the course

Practice on the putting green between the green of the 18th and the 1st Tee is permitted immediately before you play.

6. Objects as part of the course:

Rocks and stones are an integral part of the course.

7. Equipment:

Any spikes consisting wholly or even partially of metal are strictly not permitted. Penalty for non-Adherence to Rule 7 will result in disqualification (when competition) or banned from playing under Rule 1.2

Golf-Club Westerwald e. V.
Kirchstraße 14
57629 Dreifelden
Telefon:  02666-8220
Telefax:  02666-8493
E-Mail:   sekretariat@gc-westerwald.de
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